Use "npv|n p v" in a sentence

1. Apasttra\p apatetic\A apathetically\v apathetic\A apathies\p apathy\N apatite\N Apaturia\N APA\N apa\N APC\N ape-man\N ape-men\p apeak\vA aped\V apeiron\N Apeldoorn\N apelike\A Apelles\N apeman\N Apemius\N Apemosyne\N Apennine Mountains\h Apennines\p Apepi\N apercus\p apercu\N aperient\AN aperies\p aperiodically\v aperiodicity\N aperiodic\A

2. Antipestilently\v antipestilent\A antipetalous\A Antiphas\N Antiphates\N antiphilosophically\v antiphilosophical\A antiphilosophic\A antiphilosophies\p antiphilosophism\N antiphilosophy\AN antiphlogistic\AN antiphonally\v antiphonal\AN antiphonaries\p antiphonary\NA antiphonically\v antiphonic\A antiphonies\p antiphony\N antiphon\N antiphrasis

3. Apodedeipna\p apodeictically\v apodeipnon\N apodemal\A apodema\N apodeme\N apodictically\v apodictic\A apodoses\p apodosis\N apodous\A apoenzyme\N apoferritin\N apogamically\v apogamic\A apogamously\v apogamous\A apogamy\N apogeal\A apogee\N apogeotropically\v apogeotropic\A apogeotropism\N apographical\A apographic\A

4. Brasqued\V brasque\Nt brasquing\V brass band\h brass hat\h brass knuckles\h brass tacks\p brassage\N brassard\N brassbound\A brasseries\p brasserie\N brasseys\p brassey\N brassicaceous\A brassica\N brassiere\N brassier\A brassiest\A brassies\p brassie\N brassily\v brassiness\N brassish\A brassware\N brassy\A Brassó\N Brass\N brass\N

5. Baalizing\t Baalman\N Baalshem\N Baal\N baal\v baaskap\N baas\N BAA\N baa\VN Bab ed-Din\h Bab el Mandeb\h Babara\N Babar\N babas au rhum\p babassu oil\h babassu\N babas\p baba\N Babbage\N Babbie\N Babbitry\N Babbitt metal\h Babbittry\N Babbitt\N babbitt\t babbled\V babblement\N babbler\N babble\VitN babblingly\v babbling\V Babby\N Babb\N

6. Anticreativeness\N anticreative\A anticreativity\N anticrepuscular arch\h anticritically\v anticriticalness\N anticritical\A anticryptically\v anticryptic\A antics\p anticum\N anticyclically\v anticyclical\A anticyclic\A anticyclogenesis\N anticyclolysis\N anticyclone\NA anticyclonic\A anticynically\v anticynical\A

7. Antisensuously\v antisensuousness\N antisensuous\A antisepalous\A antisepsis\N antiseptically\v antisepticised\t antisepticise\t antisepticising\t antisepticized\t antisepticize\t antisepticizing\t antiseptic\AN antiserumsera\p antiserums\p antiserum\N antisiccative\A antiskeptical\A antiskepticism\N antiskeptic\N

8. Antiatheistical\A antiatheistic\A antiatheist\NA antiauxin\N Antia\N antibacchic\A antibacchii\p antibacchius\N antibacterial\A antiballistic\A antibaryon\N Antibes\N antibilious\A antibiosis\N antibiotically\v antibiotic\NA antiblastic immunity\h antiblastic\A antibodies\p antibody\N anticapitalism\N anticapitalistically\v anticapitalistic\A

9. Antimediaevally\v antimediaeval\A antimedically\v antimedical\A antimedication\A antimedicative\A antimedicine\A antimedievalism\N antimedievalist\NA antimedievally\v antimedieval\A antimension\N antimensium\N antimere\NA antimerger\A antimerging\A antimeric\A antimerism\N antimesia\p antimethodically\v

10. Astigmatoscopies\p astigmatoscopy\N astigmia\N Astigmic\A astigmometer\N astigmometry\N astigmoscope\N astilbe\N astir\A Asti\N ASTM\N Astolat\N astomatous\A astonied\A astonishedly\v astonisher\N astonishingly\v astonishingness\N astonishing\A astonishment\N astonish\t Aston\N Astoria\N Astor\N astoundingly\v astounding\A

11. Anticlassicalist\NA anticlassically\v anticlassicalness\N anticlassical\A anticlassicism\N anticlassicist\NA anticlastic\A anticlergy\A anticlericalism\N anticlericalist\N anticlerical\AN anticlimactically\v anticlimactic\A anticlimax\N anticlinal\A anticline\N anticlinorium\N anticlnoria\p anticlockwise\vA

12. Antimedievalist\NA antimedievally\v antimedieval\A antimension\N antimensium\N antimere\NA antimerger\A antimerging\A antimeric\A antimerism\N antimesia\p antimethodically\v antimethodicalness\N antimethodical\A antimethodic\A antimethod\A antimicrobial\AN antimilitarism\N antimilitaristically\v antimilitaristic\A antimilitarist\NA antimilitary

13. Biblheb\N Biblia Pauperum\h Biblical Aramaic\h Biblical Hebrew\h Biblical Latin\h Biblically\v biblically\v biblical\A Biblical\A Biblicism\N Biblicistic\A Biblicist\N biblike\A biblioclasm\N biblioclast\N bibliofilm\N bibliogony\N bibliographer\N bibliographically\v bibliographical\A bibliographic\A bibliographies\p bibliography\N bibliog\N

14. Bipolar junction transistors are formed from two p–n junctions, in either n–p–n or p–n–p configuration.

15. Biobibliographer\N biobibliographical\A biobibliographic\A biobibliographies\p biobibliography\N biocatalyst\N biocellate\A biocenology\N biocentric\A biochemical oxygen demand\h biochemically\v biochemical\AN biochemic\A biochemistry\N biochemist\N biocide\N bioclimatician\N bioclimatic\A bioclimatologically\v bioclimatological\A

16. Antiaristocratical\A antiaristocratic\A antiar\N antiatheism\AN antiatheistically\v antiatheistical\A antiatheistic\A antiatheist\NA antiauxin\N Antia\N antibacchic\A antibacchii\p antibacchius\N antibacterial\A antiballistic\A antibaryon\N Antibes\N antibilious\A antibiosis\N antibiotically\v antibiotic\NA

17. Ambassadorially\v ambassadorial\A ambassadors-at-large\p ambassadorship\N ambassador\N ambassadress\N ambatch\N amba\N Ambedkar\N Amber Islands\h amberfish\N ambergris\N amberina\N amberjack\N Amberley\N amberlike\A Amberly\N amberoid\N amberous\A Ambert\N ambery\A Amber\N amber\N ambiances\p ambiance\N ambidexterity\N ambidexter\AN ambidextral

18. Antipacifistic\A antipacifist\NA antipapacy\A antipapalist\NA antipapal\A antipapism\N antipapistical\A antipapistic\A antipapist\NA antiparabemata\p antiparabema\N antiparallel\A antiparasitically\v antiparasitical\A antiparasitic\A antiparliamentary\A antiparliament\A antiparticle\N antipasti\p antipastos\p

19. 1958, “Yankee Comeuppance in a Lousy Inning”, in Life, v 45, n 15 (October 13), p 34

20. Acinuni\p acinus\N Acis\N ack-ack\N ackee\N Ackerley\N Ackerman\N Acker\N ackeys\p ackey\N Ackler\N Ackley\N acknowledgeable\A acknowledgedly\v acknowledged\t acknowledger\N acknowledge\t acknowledging\t acknowledgment\N ackton\N ack\N acleistocardia\N acle\N aclinic line\h ACLS\N ACLU\N acmesthesia\N acme\N acmic\A acmite\N Acmon\N acnemia\N

21. Begumming\t begum\N begun\V beg\ViN Behah\N Behaim\N behalf\N Behan\N Behar\N behaved\V behave\i behaving\V behavior pattern\h behavioral science\h behaviorally\v behavioral\A behaviorism\N behavioristically\v behavioristic\A behaviorist\NA behavior\N behaviour therapy\h behavioural science\h behaviour\N beheadal\N beheader\N behead\t beheld\V

22. Billat V, Blondel N, Berthoin N

23. Antiecclesiastically\v antiecclesiastical\A antiecclesiasticism\N antiecclesiastic\NA antieducationalist\N antieducationally\v antieducational\A antieducationist\NA antieducation\A antiegoism\N antiegoistically\v antiegoistical\A antiegoistic\A antiegoist\N antiegotism\N antiegotistically\v

24. Badmeng\N badmen\p badminton\N badness\N Badoglio\N Badr\N bad\ANvV Baecher\N Baeda\N Baedeker raid\h Baedeker\N BAEd\N Baekeland\N Baelbeer\N Bael\N bael\N Baerl\N Baerman\N Baer\N Baese\N baetylic\A baetyl\N Baeyer\N Baez\N BAE\N baffies\p Baffin Bay\h Baffin Island\h Baffin\N baffled\V bafflement\N baffleplate\N baffler\N baffle\tN baffling

25. Chiraler P,N-Ligand auf Tetrazol-Basis; Synthese von chiralen P,N-Liganden

26. Antiegoism\N antiegoistically\v antiegoistical\A antiegoistic\A antiegoist\N antiegotism\N antiegotistically\v antiegotistical\A antiegotistic\A antiegotist\NA antiempirically\v antiempirical\A antiempiricism\N antiempiricist\NA antiempiric\NA antienergistic\A antienthusiasm\N antienthusiastically\v

27. Swedish Du, nåt Arsle är på väg upp till dig med en delgivning

28. Vi på Beroll önskar er alla en skön och välbehövlig Midsommar

29. T rajector y P Attern Mining F o sca G ia n n o tti1 M irco N a n n i1 D in o P e d re sch i2 F a b io P in e lli1 P isa K D D L a b o ra to ry 1 IS T I - C N R , A re a d e lla R ice rca d iP isa , V ia G iu se p p e M o ru zzi, 1 - 5 6 1 2 4 P isa , Ita ly 2 C o m p u te r S cie n ce D e p., U n ive rsity o f P isa , L a rg o P o n te co rvo, 3 - 5 6 1 2 7 P isa , Ita ly

30. I n s u r e d e P e r s o n NAME AND AGE NAAM EN OUDE RDO M V r s k e r d e P e r o o BUSINESS OR OCCUPATION Besigh EID OF BEROEP n R e l a t i o n s h i p o f i n s u r e d p e r s o n t o i n s u r e d If e m p

31. Afsked med Hammel Det var midt på eftermiddagen næste dag, at Egon vågnede ved at det Bankede på døren

32. If P 1 n=1 a n Converges absolutely and fb ngis bounded then P 1 n=1 a nb n Converges

33. If P 1 n=1 a n Converges conditionally and fb ngis bounded then P 1 n=1 a nb n Converges

34. Antiecclesiasticism\N antiecclesiastic\NA antieducationalist\N antieducationally\v antieducational\A antieducationist\NA antieducation\A antiegoism\N antiegoistically\v antiegoistical\A antiegoistic\A antiegoist\N antiegotism\N antiegotistically\v antiegotistical\A antiegotistic\A antiegotist\NA antiempirically\v antiempirical\A antiempiricism

35. The junction diode structure can include a p-n or a p-i-n junction.

36. Antiegoistically\v antiegoistical\A antiegoistic\A antiegoist\N antiegotism\N antiegotistically\v antiegotistical\A antiegotistic\A antiegotist\NA antiempirically\v antiempirical\A antiempiricism\N antiempiricist\NA antiempiric\NA antienergistic\A antienthusiasm\N antienthusiastically\v antienthusiastic\A

37. The Gaussian Copula model can also be constructed by introducing a vector of latent variables Z = Z V ∼ N p(0,Υ) that are related to the observed variables X = X V as X v = F−1 v (Φ(Z v)), v ∈ V, where F−1 v is the pseudo inverse of F v

38. Bimilllennia\p Bimini Islands\h bimodality\N bimodal\A bimodule\N bimolecularly\v bimolecular\A bimonthly\AvN bimorph\N bimotored\A bimotor\N Bim\N Binah\N binal\A binaries\p binary cell\h binary code\h binary digit\h binary fission\h binary form\h binary notation\h binary operation\h binary opposition\h

39. Canna chineresisw has the top N, P content and the top contribute to N, P removal.

40. The word Appendants uses 10 letters: a, a, d, e, n, n, p, p, s, t

41. Despite a strong academic preference for NPV, surveys indicate that executives prefer IRR over NPV.

42. Alabastoi\p alabastos\N alabastra\p alabastron\N alabastrum\N alack\! alacritous\A alacrity\N Aladdin\N alae\Np Alagez\N Alage\N Alagoas\N Alagöz\N Alai Mountains\h Alain-Fournier\N Alaine\N Alain\N Alair\N Alai\N Alake\N Alalcomenean Athena\h Alalcomeneus\N alalia\N Alamannic\NA Alamanni\p Alameda\N alameda\N Alamein\N alamiqui\N

43. IndbygningsCisternen kan monteres på væggen eller i væggen

44. Antiegoist\N antiegotism\N antiegotistically\v antiegotistical\A antiegotistic\A antiegotist\NA antiempirically\v antiempirical\A antiempiricism\N antiempiricist\NA antiempiric\NA antienergistic\A antienthusiasm\N antienthusiastically\v antienthusiastic\A antienthusiast\N antienzymatic\A antienzyme\N antierosion\A antierosive\A Antietam\N

45. Cryptorchidisme: Andrologie, pédiatrie N

46. Antiegoistic\A antiegoist\N antiegotism\N antiegotistically\v antiegotistical\A antiegotistic\A antiegotist\NA antiempirically\v antiempirical\A antiempiricism\N antiempiricist\NA antiempiric\NA antienergistic\A antienthusiasm\N antienthusiastically\v antienthusiastic\A antienthusiast\N antienzymatic\A antienzyme\N antierosion\A antierosive\A

47. Vi brinner för att hjälpa våra kunder att navigera i floran av intressanta modedesigners från Skandinavien, vilket vi gör utifrån våra butiker samt på

48. 1-(N-Acetylamino)-4-bromobenzene 1-Bromo-4-acetamidobenzene 4'-Bromoacetanilide 4-Bromoacetanilide Acetamide, N-(p-bromophenyl)- Acetanilide, 4'-bromo- Acetanilide, p-bromo- Antisepsin Asepsin Bromoacetanilide Bromoanalide Bromoanilide Bromoantifebrin N-(4-Bromophenyl)acetamide N-(4-bromophenyl)ethanamide N-(p-Bromophenyl)acetamide N-Acetyl-4

49. 1-(N-Acetylamino)-4-bromobenzene 1-Bromo-4-acetamidobenzene 4'-Bromoacetanilide 4-Bromoacetanilide Acetamide, N-(p-bromophenyl)- Acetanilide, 4'-bromo- Acetanilide, p-bromo- Antisepsin Asepsin Bromoacetanilide Bromoanalide Bromoanilide Bromoantifebrin N-(4-Bromophenyl)acetamide N-(4-bromophenyl)ethanamide N-(p-Bromophenyl)acetamide N-Acetyl-4

50. If the probability of success on an individual trial is p , then the Binomial probability is n C x ⋅ p x ⋅ ( 1 − p ) n − x .

51. From here on in, the voltages recorded with a positive field will have a subscript P (for example, V13, P = V3, P - V1, P) and those recorded with a negative field will have a subscript N (such as V13, N = V3, N - V1, N).

52. Antipatriotically\v antipatriotic\A antipatriotism\N antipatriot\N antipedal\A antiperiodic\AN antiperistalsis\N antiperistaltic\A antipernicious anemia factor\h antipersonnel\A antiperspirant\NA antipestilence\A antipestilential\A antipestilently\v antipestilent\A antipetalous\A Antiphas\N Antiphates\N antiphilosophically\v antiphilosophical\A

53. Din Ajunul tinereței pân’ ce …

54. Buttstrapped\V buttstrapping\V buttstrap\VN butty\N Butt\N butt\NVi Butung\N butyl alcohol\h butyl aldehyde\h butyl group\h butyl oxalate\h butylene group\h butylene\N butyl\N Butyl\N Butyn\N butyraceous\A butyraldehyde\N butyral\N butyrate\N butyric acid\h butyric ether\h butyrically\v butyric\A butyrin\N butyryl group\h butyryl\A

55. Other names that Douglas uses includes Douglas P Bekkand, Douglas V Belland and Douglas P Belland.

56. Fersk økologisk melk tappet på glassflasker fra vårt utsalg på Biri

57. Using one choice of constants for the definition of the Fourier transform we have H ^ ( s ) = lim N → ∞ ∫ − N N e − 2 π i x s H ( x ) d x = 1 2 ( δ ( s ) − i π p . v .

58. Botulinuses\p botulinus\N botulin\N botulism\N Botvinnik\N Botzow\N BOT\N bot\NVi BouakŽ\N Bouak\N Bouar\N Bouchard\N Boucher\N Bouches-du-Rh™ne\N Bouches-du-Rh\N bouche\N Bouchier\N bouchons\p bouchon\N BouchŽ\N bouch\N Boucicault\N bouclŽ\N boucl\NA boudeuse\N Boudicca\N boudoir\N Boudreaux\N boud\N bouffancy\N bouffant\AN bouffe\N

59. Blueness, en inredningsbutik på nätet

60. Nicolet Antaris Near-IR Analyzer P/N 10890

61. Besøk nettsiden vår på Besøk nettbutikken vår

62. Areus név felvétele 2011

63. 702 P.2d 869 Burgess farms, a partnership, Plaintiff-Appellant, v

64. For any continued fraction, the even Convergents p 2 ⁢ n / q 2 ⁢ n are strictly monotonically increasing, and the odd Convergents p 2 ⁢ n + 1 / q 2 ⁢ n + 1 are strictly monotonically decreasing

65. N Converges but the Ratio Test is inconclusive then P 1 n=1 a n Converges conditionally

66. The word Appellatives uses 12 letters: a, a, e, e, i, l, l, p, p, s, t, v

67. The word Appertain uses 9 letters: a, a, e, i, n, p, p, r, t

68. If P 1 n=1 a n is an alternating series then it Converges

69. The word Appanages uses 9 letters: a, a, a, e, g, n, p, p, s

70. The word Convolves uses 9 letters: c, e, l, n, o, o, s, v, v

71. The word Coppering uses 9 letters: c, e, g, i, n, o, p, p, r

72. Kaupunki on kahden yli 3 200 metriä korkean vuoren, nimeltään Guadalupe ja Monserrate, välissä. Bogotán väestö lisääntyy tällä hetkellä vuosittain lähes 5 %, pääasiassa …

73. V antike, v pôvodných trhových bazilikách antických rímskych miest sedeli v Apside

74. Näet saman Aviatorin päälinjassa

75. Find din næste Autocamper på Camperportalen

76. P-n junction-type compoud semiconductor light-emitting diode

77. Agentura Bravissimo Václavské nám

78. Appeaser (n.) mid-15c., agent noun from appease (v.)

79. The word Appareling uses 10 letters: a, a, e, g, i, l, n, p, p, r

80. Bellowing (n.) late 14c., verbal noun from bellow (v.)